In the pursuit of self,

I have lost your sense,

In thee thoughts of contentment,

I have lost your presence.

Solace is still in the way,
Straying me from your soul,

Still in dilemma of thoughts,

Who actually set this mirageous goal.

I am still aloof in the mob,

Surveillance effect lost its fervour,

You were there with me,

Then why this strange behaviour.

Something is somewhere wrong,

This mist ought to get cleared,

With a lost belief in my race,

I am all set be geared.

There is still a hope of ray persisting,

Your existence is still in hope,

I am drowning in sea of depression,

As if charged with a dope.

But then reality dies soon,

Virtual thoughts stays,

Sun only stand miles away,

We only felt his rays.

So It confirms my strayed belief,

Your participation is null and void,

I am a true and free soul,

Why should your orders I abide.

Its better you change your way,

I am up with mine,

No more sorry and misunderstandings,

My journey is starting for shrine.

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